Dr. George Giuliani
Undergraduate Degree
College of the Holy Cross
Worcester, Massachusetts
Major: Pre-Medical/Psychology
Bachelor of Arts (Honors Program)-May, 1987
Masters Degrees
Rutgers University Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Masters of Psychology-October, 1996
Saint John's University Graduate School
Jamaica, New York
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences
New York State Certified School Psychologist
Masters of Science in School Psychology-June, 1992
Rutgers University Graduate School of Applied and Professional Psychology
New Brunswick, New Jersey
Doctor of Psychology-January, 1997
City University of New York School of Law
Flushing, New York
Juris Doctor-May, 1992
Board Certifications
International College of Professional Psychology
North Miami Beach, Florida
Board Certified Diplomat Fellow in Child and Adolescent Psychology-May, 2005
International College of Professional Psychology
North Miami Beach, Florida
Board Certified Diplomat Fellow in Forensic Psychology-January, 2002
American Academy of Special Education Professionals of Washington D.C.; Board Certified Diplomat Fellow in Special Education-May, 2007
Licenses & Certification
New York State Licensed Psychologist (License # 013538)
Permanent New York State Certification in School Psychology
Certified Diplomate-Fellow in Forensic Sciences, FSICPP
Certified Diplomate-Fellow in Child & Adolescent Psychology, FCICPP
Board Certified in Special Education, B.C.S.E.